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Medya Okuryazarlığı için İngilizce
Reading: Overview of the Unit
Course Overview: Introduction to Media Literacy (3:30)
Course Overview: Topics, Assessments, Games & Activities (6:03)
Media in Today's World
Media is Everywhere (5:43)
Listening: Interview with William Cowen... (6:37)
Language Focus: Previewing Texts (4:35)
Media Literacy
What is Media Literacy? (4:10)
Reading: BASIC: Can you Separate Fact from Fiction?
Reading: ADVANCED: Can you Separate Fact from Fiction?
Part 1: How Can we Analyze Media Messages? (4:40)
Reading: BASIC: Debate over Free Press in Ukraine Suffers from Old Stereotypes
Reading: ADVANCED: Debate over Free Press in Ukraine Suffers from Old Stereotypes
Part 2: How Can we Analyze Media Messages? (5:36)
Language Focus: Skimming and Scanning (5:03)
Bonus Additional Resources
Reading: Game: Unit 1 Vocabulary Flashcards
Reading: Supplemental Reading: More to it! Media Literacy
Reading: Supplemental Reading: Make up your Own Mind. These Mobile News Apps Can Help.
Understanding and Comparing Media Types
Reading: Overview of the Unit
What is Traditional Media? (5:48)
What is Social Media? (4:55)
Reading: Study Finds Most Americans Get News from Social Media
Language Focus - Comparative Adjectives (5:20)
The Pros and Cons of Social Media
Overcoming Bias: The Power of Social Media (5:42)
Using Social Media to Support Causes (4:58)
Reading: BASIC: 5 Ways Social Media Helps Syrian Refugees
Reading: ADVANCED: 5 Ways Social Media Helps Syrian Refugees
Language Focus - Reductions (5:00)
Part 1: The Reliability of Social Media (Editing/Doctoring Content) (4:26)
Reading: Real or Not? Snowboarder's Video in Question (1:17)
Part 2: The Reliability of Social Media (Credibility) (4:58)
The Language of New Media (4:42)
Bonus Additional Resources
Reading: Game: Unit 2 Vocabulary Flashcards
Reading: EU Piles Pressure on Social Media Over Fake News
Reading: Supplemental Reading: The Town that Runs on Twitter
Reading: Supplemental Reading: It's about How you Communicate your Message (2:09)
Targeting Audiences
Reading: Overview of the Unit
What is Advertising? (4:14)
Thinking Critically about Advertisements (4:31)
How do Advertisers Target Audiences? (5:24)
Listening: Interview with Nancy Bollinger (6:34)
Reading: AI Cameras Aim to Guess Shopper’s Age, Sex and Mood
Language Focus - Order of Adjectives (5:40)
Traditional Advertisements: Print, Radio and Television
Features of a Print Advertisement (5:01)
Features of Radio and Television Advertisements (4:20)
Language Focus - Intensifiers (Normal vs. Strong Adjectives) (4:32)
Reading: BASIC: Internet Ads Outpace Print for First Time
Reading: ADVANCED: Internet Ads Outpace Print for First Time
Online Advertisements
Using the Internet to Advertise (4:45)
Analyzing Advertisements (4:22)
Sample Analysis of an Advertisement (3:17)
Reading: Nielsen's, Sina Weibo Team Up for Closer Look at Chinese Social Media
Reading: Written Assessment Instructions & Model Answer
Peer-graded Assignment: Unit 3 Assessment 2: Written Analysis of Advertisement
Bonus Additional Resources
Reading: Game: Unit 3 Vocabulary Flashcards
Reading: Digital Ads, Social Media Hide Political Campaign Messaging
Reading: New TV Advertisements Shock Viewers
Media Bias
Reading: Overview of the Unit
How Are Media Messages Created and Shared? (4:19)
What is Media Bias? (4:41)
Reading: BASIC: For the Press, Elections are a Test of Accountability
Reading: ADVANCED: For the Press, Elections are a Test of Accountability
PART 1: Language Focus- Expressing Opinions using Modals (should, must, could, might) (4:01)
PART 2: Language Focus- Expressing Opinions using Modals (should, must, could, might) (3:17)
Discussion Prompt: Unit 4 Assessment 1: Opinions on Media Sources
Types of Bias in the Media
Bias by Omission (5:18)
Reading: Are Facebook’s Trending Topics Unfair?
Bias by Placement (5:16)
Language Focus - Connotation vs. Denotation (4:18)
Bias by Spin (4:33)
Overcoming Bias (4:57)
Overview for Unit 4 Assessment 2 & Sample Bias Analysis (2:32)
Reading: Instructions for Peer-reviewed Unit 4 Written Assessment 2
Bonus Additional Resources
Game: Unit 4 Vocabulary Flashcards
Reading: Supplemental Reading: Are Biased Sources Replacing Standard News Networks in America?
Reading: Facebook Checks Its Bias
Reading: Overview of the Unit
What is Diversity? (4:00)
Why is it Important for the Media to be Diverse? (3:34)
Reading: BASIC: Minorities See Improvement, Demand More Diversity on US Television
Reading: ADVANCED: Minorities See Improvement, Demand more Diversity on US Television
Language Focus: Using Negatives (not, no, never, hardly ever) (5:27)
How are Different Groups Portrayed?
Race and Ethnicity in the Media (4:18)
Reading: Study Examines Racial Bias in US Sports Reporting
Culture in the Media (4:19)
Reading: Report: Americans Know Little about Native Americans
Women in the Media (5:32)
Reading: UN to Advertisers: Go Beyond the Female Stereotypes
Reading: BASIC: Social Media Highlights Sexism in Olympics Coverage
Reading: ADVANCED: Social Media Highlights Sexism in Olympics Coverage
Language Focus: Transitions (5:27)
Diversity and Identity (4:19)
Reading: Rising Number of Chinese, Asian Faces in Hollywood
Course Conclusion (2:03)
Bonus Additional Resources
Reading: Game: Unit 5 Vocabulary Flashcards
Reading: Supplemental Reading: Women Journalists Keep the News Coming
Reading: Supplemental Reading: Giving Voice to Sesame Street's First Afghan Muppet
PART 2: Language Focus- Expressing Opinions using Modals (should, must, could, might)
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