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Introduction to the Course
Welcome to English for Journalism (3:29)
Course Overview: Topics, Assessments & Activities (4:06)
Course Overview: Games and Levels (2:17)
Why Journalism? What Makes This Field Interesting? (5:22)
History of Journalism
Introduction to the History of Journalism – pre-1690 (5:53)
History of Journalism – 1690 – present day (5:57)
Reading: Political Cartoons: Exploring Serious Subjects in Fun Way (3:01)
Language Focus – Simple Past and Past Progressive (6:03)
Reading: Hearst and the Growth of US Journalism
Unlockable Achievement (0:09)
Principles of Journalism
Principles of Journalism 1: Gathering Sources (6:49)
Principles of Journalism 2: Telling the Story (5:31)
Reading: BASIC: "Media freedom is important. Here's what you can do."
Reading: ADVANCED: Media Freedom is important. Here’s what you can do.”
Language Focus – Word Families (6:26)
Principles of Journalism 3: Impacting People (6:11)
Reading: How freedom of information works
Language Focus – Phrases for Agreeing and Disagreeing (6:00)
Bonus Additional Resources
Reading: Game: Unit 1 Vocabulary Flashcards
Supplemental Listening: "Young Journalists Report on Worldwide Landmine Problems" (2:59)
Reading: Irregular Verb List
Reading: Supplemental Reading: How Can Journalists Be Protected?
Reading: Supplemental Reading: "'Berlin Airlift' Airport Becomes Emergency Refugee Shelter"
Supplemental Listening: 'Berlin Airlift' Airport Becomes Emergency Refugee Shelter (3:07)
Reading: Supplemental Reading: "Newspapers in America"
Reading: Overview of the Unit
How do journalists decide on a topic?
Choosing a Topic (4:49)
Researching an Idea (4:43)
Reading: BASIC: "Want to be a good reporter? Follow these tips."
Reading: ADVANCED: Want to be a good reporter? Follow these tips.
Pitching a Story
Pitching a Story – Newspapers/Magazines (3:56)
Pitching a Story - Radio (5:58)
Sample News Story Pitch (1:41)
Reading: Sample News Story Pitch and Written Pitch Template
Gathering Sources
Reading: BASIC: Times Are Changing in Havana, Cuba
Reading: ADVANCED: Times are Changing in Havana, Cuba
Video Listening: Times are Changing in Havana, Cuba (2:46)
Language Focus – Interviewing Sources – Wh- Questions (4:55)
Interviewing Sources – Reliability, Facts & Opinion (5:44)
Reporting Sources
Language Focus – Quoting Sources & Reporting Verbs (4:44)
Video interview with a student journalist from The Daily Pennsylvanian (3:34)
Unlockable Achievement (0:09)
Interviewing Sources - Notetaking (6:31)
Language Focus – Quoting Sources Directly or Using Reported Speech (5:35)
Bonus Additional Resources
Reading: Game: Unit 2 Vocabulary Flashcards
Reading: Supplemental Reading: Student newspapers shake things up
Reading: Supplemental Reading and Listening: "Story of Dr. Omalu Enlightens on Risks of High-impact Sports"
Supplemental Listening: "Story of Dr. Omalu Enlightens on Risks of High-impact Sports" (3:13)
Reading: Overview of the Unit
How to Begin an Article
Print Media: From Topic to Article (5:09)
Types of Leads (4:25)
Creating a Lead (4:45)
Reading: Student Newspapers Face Real World Challenges
Language Focus – SV Agreement with Different Subjects (4:16)
The Style of Print Media
Reading: BASIC: Thai Health Policy as Model for Emerging Economies
Reading: ADVANCED: Thai Health Policy as Model for Emerging Economies
Writing Using Associated Press Style (4:51)
Language Focus – Structure of Active and Passive Voices (4:41)
Language Focus – Use of Active and Passive Voices (3:39)
Reporting Accurately (5:41)
Reading: BASIC: With billions to feed, sustainable agriculture is not a luxury
Reading: ADVANCED: With billions to feed, sustainable agriculture is not a luxury
Proofreading an Article (5:35)
Unlockable Achievement (0:09)
Bonus Additional Resources
Reading: Game: Unit 3 Vocabulary Flashcards
Reading: Egyptian Journalists Call for Press Freedom
Listening: Egyptian Journalists Call for Press Freedom (2:25)
Reading: Old Age, Debt Threaten Vietnam Economy
Reading: Overview of the Unit
How Broadcast Journalism Differs from Print
The Language of Broadcast Journalism (4:28)
Listening: "VOA Fast Five" (5:02)
Unlockable Achievement (0:09)
The People of Broadcast Journalism (4:09)
TV News Today
Types of Stories for Broadcast Journalism (4:30)
Using Conversational Style (4:48)
Reading: Listening: So you want to be a TV reporter ... (1:40)
Listening: "So you want to be a TV reporter..." (1:40)
Language Focus – Present Tense & Active Voice (4:17)
Sample Broadcast News Story (1:24)
Ratings in TV News: How Journalists Compete (4:40)
Unlockable Achievement (0:09)
Sensationalism in TV News (5:04)
The 24-hour News Cycle (5:16)
Language Focus - Stress & Pausing (5:29)
Reading: Podcasting on the rise
Reading: Unit 4 Assessment 2: Instructions and Model
Bonus Additional Resources
Reading: Game: Unit 4 Vocabulary Flashcards
Reading: Radio Hoax Causes Panic
Reading: Forget a seat at the table. This reporter wants a seat in the briefing room.
Listening: "Telepresence - The Next Best thing to Being There" (2:23)
Origins of Digital Media
Origins and Current State of the Digital Age (5:33)
Impact on Traditional Media
The Impact on the Journalistic Process (3:06)
The Impact on Traditional Media (4:20)
Language Focus – Present Perfect Form (4:44)
Challenges Facing Digital Media
Challenges 1: The Digital Divide (4:43)
Reading: BASIC: Mapping the Digital Divide
Reading: ADVANCED: Mapping the Digital Divide
Language Focus – Data Commentary (5:14)
Citizen Journalism (5:22)
Reading: Want to be a citizen journalist? You might be one already.
Challenges 2: Ethics in the Digital Age (5:31)
Challenges 3: Intellectual Property and Censorship (4:21)
Reading: BASIC: Egypt Clamps Down on Media Ahead of 'Arab Spring' Anniversary
Reading: ADVANCED: Egypt Clamps Down on Media Ahead of 'Arab Spring' Anniversary
Course Conclusion (1:51)
Bonus Additional Resources
Reading: Game: Unit 5 Vocabulary Flashcards
Reading: Sharing the benefits of the Internet across the digital divide
Reading: Africa's Infotech Revolution
Reading: Twitter Suspends Over 125,000 Accounts for 'Promoting Terrorist Acts'
Reading: ADVANCED: Want to be a good reporter? Follow these tips.
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